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Friday, June 17, 2011

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  • The Chrome Web Store is a web

  • Jaime
    09-10 02:28 PM
    You want to buy a house, but can't - You don't want that commitment in case you get laid off and put "out of status" and forced to immediately leave the United States or face deportantion (and yeah, you need to leave all your Social Security payments and patents behind)

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  • the Google Chrome browser

  • SEP03NY
    07-24 01:33 PM
    we have to demand for allowing to file for EAD and Advance payrol.


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  • .soulty
    03-09 11:28 PM
    dope renders so far.. on march 10 when he have the entries we will set up a poll.. keep them coming. oh btw.. when you provide the final render, need to provide the wireframe aswell ;)

    2011 the Google Chrome browser google chrome logo new. New Google Chrome logo?
  • New Google Chrome logo?

  • virginian99
    06-13 01:05 PM
    Looks like Cirus is comming back. we should plan for our EB provisions...

    Sens. McConnell & Lott on verge of passing amnesty -- unless you get in their way

    THE U.S. HOUSE TODAY is dealing with many important immigration matters as it amends the Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill. Your NumbersUSA Capitol Hill Team is following this closely. You can follow all amendments and votes on our special VOTE DAY page. We update at least by the hour. If you see something you want to support or oppose, don't hesitate to call your U.S. Rep.

    TO BEST FIGHT THE SENATE AMNESTY, read Rosemary Jenks' short summary of all the key elements of the S. 1348 Bush/Kennedy amnesty bill as introduced. Scroll down to BACKGROUND INFORMATION.

    Read short descriptions of all amendments the Senate has already passed to modify the bill. Scroll down to FINISHED VOTES.


    I regret to tell you that our victory of last Thursday night has eroded to almost nothing by this morning.

    Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Senate Republican Whip Trent Lott of Mississippi have succeeded in twisting nearly enough GOP arms to assure Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) that they can deliver the votes to pass his S. 1348 amnesty for 12-20 million illegal aliens.

    Here is the pitch that McConnell and Lott are said to be using -- and the pitch that only you can persuade Republican Senators to reject:

    Lawmakers are being told that they must agree to vote for cloture on the amnesty in exchange for a chance to have some favorite amendments brought up OR they will lose a chance to "sit at the table" in final fashioning of this bill.

    A senior GOP leadership aide confirmed that anti-amnesty Republicans are being told by Party leadership that they “need to get on board if they want to remain relevant.”

    I have some actions related to Democratic Senators that I'll detail further in this email. But our most urgent work today is with GOP Senators.



    (If you live in Mississippi and Kentucky, I've already sent you your action opportunities. You have to take responsibility for the two Senators who at this moment are competing for the title of America's No. 1 and No. 2 Enemy. I am sending this alert to you so you have the additional information that is in it.)


    Call their offices and tell them you have heard of the 'take-it-or-leave-it' deal they are being offered and that your advice is:

    "Refuse a Seat at The Table If All They're Serving Is Rancid Mush."

    Tell them that permanently legalizing 12-20 million illegal aliens and giving them permanent access to our jobs is a dish not worth fussing over. No amount of seasoning or ingredient changing can make this dish palatable to the voters of your state.

    Any amendment that would truly protect Americans would be killed by the Bush/Kennedy coalition.

    No matter how many amendments are allowed for votes, the end result bill will be terrible -- maybe slightly less terrible than now, but still terrible. There is no point in trading away a YES vote on cloture for the chance to offer an amendment.

    You must make it clear to every one of these Senators that they will be made to pay politically over and over the next year (maybe their whole careers) for a YES vote if this bill comes up again on cloture.

    Remind them that Sen. McCain has seen his front-runner status in the Presidential primary race plummet because of his highly public support for this bill.

    Why would any of these Senators want to carry around that same kind of baggage?

    And tell your Senators that they have all the "relevance" they need by being the representative or your state in the U.S. Senate. They don't need George Bush or Karl Rove to give them relevance, especially if relevance has to come at the expense of principle.


    Yet more news media polls are being released purporting to show that the majority of the public supports this Senate amnesty bill. The big use of these polls by reporters and open-borders advocates is to supposedly prove that all of your phone calls are just a loud-mouthed minority.

    The fact is that nearly all the media polls fail to offer people the choice of Attrition Through Enforcement.

    When Americans are offered a choice between legalization, attrition or mass deportations, most Americans choose attrition. And an overhwelming portion choose either attrition or mass deportation.

    You can find great backing of what I just said by going to our web page on polls.

    OUR ARMY IS GROWING -- Let's Hold Back Disaster While We Recruit Another Army of Reinforcements

    I hope you feel encouraged to know that another 4,081 Americans registered with NumbersUSA and immediately began faxing and phoning -- that was just yesterday, one day.

    Day after day, the word is getting out. More and more Americans understand that they must take real action if they are to save their American quality of life.

    We started the year with around 250,000 activist members. Barely a month ago, we hit the big 300,000 milestone. It looks like we will hit the 400,000 mark tomorrow!

    In addition, we have a total email list of more than 1.5 million now.

    Unfortunately, not everybody who connects, becomes a direct activist with us (although we assume they are having some influence among their friends and colleagues). And not all who register as activist members respond regularly to our Alerts. We know we probably need to have 2 million activist members to ensure that 500,000 are acting at any point. This is true of any organization. But we appreciate every one of you for whatever you are able to do. It all adds up to something strong.

    Numbers of faxes you ordered the last two days:
    Tuesday -- 89,776 faxes
    Monday -- 61,647 faxes


    It is imperative that we hold onto at least 9 of the 12 Democratic and Independent NO votes we got last Thursday on the cloture vote.

    Phone these offices and urge them not to be taken in by the Republican leadership's pandering to Big Business lobbyists who are demanding to keep employing their 7-million-plus illegal workers and are demanding an amnesty for all the lawbreaking by the outlaw companies in the past.

    Tell these Democrats that they are standing with the American workers on this and should be proud of their principled stand against Pres. Bush's dream of globalizing the American labor force.

    (* Up for re-election in 2008)

    * Baucus (D-Mont.)
    Bingaman (D-NM)
    Boxer (D-Calif.)
    Byrd (D-WV)
    Dorgan (D-ND)
    * Landrieu (D-La.)
    McCaskill (D-Mo.)
    * Pryor (D-Ark.)
    * Rockefeller(D-WV)
    Sanders (I-Vt.)
    Tester (D-Mont.)
    Webb (D-Va.)


    Last week, 45 Senators voted for cloture. It takes 60 votes for cloture to pass, thus ending a filibuster and allowing a final vote, which at this time would require at most 50 votes to pass.

    The pro-amnesty Bush/Kennedy coalition has to persuade 15 Senators who voted NO last week to switch to YES if the cloture vote comes up again.

    The only thing that can keep that from happening is an even larger outpouring of phone calls, faxes and local demonstrations at Senate offices, etc.


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  • Libra
    09-27 11:03 AM
    First we come here which is completely different environment and struggle to adjust, then after 10 yrs or so, if we go back then struggle to adjust in home country.

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  • cyberstar79
    03-09 12:37 PM


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  • And for all the Google

  • reachneel
    07-12 05:29 PM
    Yup in the same boat :D, hopefully we will cross the gate this time

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  • vdlrao
    07-14 01:25 PM

    see te table 6 in that link.


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  • Google Chrome, MAC

  • immigrant2007
    09-10 12:42 PM
    I thinkThis year will be good for EB3.
    With 700 per queter going to EB2I and EB2C, this means that EB2I will go only upto few months by Jul-2011 before the spill kicks IN.
    Once the spill over kicks in EB2 will move by atmost Jul-2007 (as there are won't be any 485 filed for India / China post 2007. Even if they are it is unlikely that they will be processed in 1 or 2 months). So I expect EB3 to use most of the spill over this year.

    CATCH: IF USCIS allows filing of 485 for POST 2007 FIASCO then the above doesn't hold true.

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  • days_go_by
    11-20 10:49 PM
    I agree with you. Only sick ppl are frustrated with delay in GC.
    I think there are more than 6500 people here who are suffering from this disease then, about time we find a cure for it?


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  • Google Chrome and Chromium

  • nitlsu
    04-04 11:16 AM
    I don't think this bill would be of any consequence to the goal of IV unless they can maybe attach some GC-relief provisions to it.

    In reality this bill will never ever make it to the full Senate floor. Corporate America will ensure that it dies the same kind of death as all the immigration related bills from last year.

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  • thescadaman
    02-08 06:44 PM
    I plan on attending the event in DC this April. I have emailed the details in our Texas IV yahoo group with my request for sponsorship with Travel and stay.

    thescadaman TX.


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  • nyte_crawler
    04-09 12:13 AM
    It is very strange, even if it is true. Was he coming to USA for the first time ? I think if he is into US even with 5 days of I-94, he could probably go to the local USCIS office and furnish evidence for extension I hope.

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  • Google Chrome logo

  • nixstor
    03-18 06:40 PM
    Sorry if this is offtopic but can someone explain to me who banned me and why? I didn't write anything offensive or abusive, and I didn't insult anybody. I was just discussing the issues I read in another forum.

    If it is my handle, you don't like, well my name is Tawlibann Foggs (it is Celtic name, and quite rare but I like it). My friends call me Taliban jokingly (I know it may not be funny to all of you, and I didn't like it at first, but I can't stop people), so that's why the handle was 'taliban'. I hope that answers your questions, and I mean no harm to anyone.

    I thought this forum was open to everybody to express their opinions and discuss relevant issues without insulting others. If you're going to keep banning me, please just let me know that I'm not welcome, and I'll leave. I thought Immigration Voice and its forum was open to all EB immigrants. I was even intending to become a contributing member, but now I'm kind of lost. Am I not supposed to post here? Is there something I missed?

    Here is what you provided on the banned id

    Phone number 631-922-xxxx. I called the number and a lady answered. I asked "Is there any one living with last name FOGGS?" The answer is NO. I asked are you sure? She goes mad. I then went on to see the city you provided in MD exists, Google maps has no clue about the city.

    There are many non-contributing & contributing members and its entirely your wish to do so or not but IV does not need any distractions. Don't bring in the free speech and 1st amendment now.

    May be its fun for you and our friends, its not funny here.


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  • newbie2020
    02-10 06:48 AM
    I have some Delta Skymiles (3729miles), Not sure how to donate. If anyone needs them let me know.

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  • InTheMoment
    05-22 03:25 PM
    I am doing MS in Technology Management from Howee School of Technology Management at Stevens Institute of Technology!!

    Similar ones are offered at Penn State, Rutgers, MIT .. totally on Web.

    Don't know about others.... but surely not at MIT ! MIT has no program "totally on Web"... :)


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  • frodobaggins
    04-03 11:52 PM

    Hey imv116, how about the fact that it is totally unethical and illegal? How can you support this? I myself have done MS and have seen the effect of this ridiculous practice. I was very good and yet could not get any job because the market is flooded with false resumes. So employers think there are many experienced candidates and do not want freshers!!

    Also, just like others have mentioned, it undermines the quality and experience of the genuine people. I agree that students sometimes do not have a choice in the current scenario. But at the same time, many of them are just not good enough to get a job on their own merit. That is why they have no problem resorting to such shameful tactics.

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  • meera_godse
    01-30 01:28 PM
    thank you all for your time and advice.
    is there a website where i can find reviews of such companies.

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  • jayleno
    09-05 02:39 PM
    I can understand why an individual fake resonably to get a job, though I do not support it. I dont understand these stupid companies hiring the desperate students and doing all these stuff in the name of business. I dont know how people who have those companies do all this stuff just for extra money and sleep peacefully at night.

    I can put 100 arguments in support of MS students graduating and trying to get into a new job. Similarly you can come up with 100 other arguments that they are all non ethical and lies.

    It is more costly for companies big and small to hire a new grad, train and eventually have him work on the business and that process is carried only by a minute percentage of all the companies that do business and also they look at elite schools.

    Every MS student has to undergo a vigorous financial crisis situation there by the time they graduate they are left with no choice other than accepting what ever comes there way, at the earliest.

    They don't have the liberty financially as well as law wise to sit and try for 1 year to get into a full time job. Given those kind of situations it is nothing wrong in projecting themselves to certain years of experience.

    At the same, contracting, consulting is all about this. When no party likes, they can always let go.


    02-13 12:25 PM
    I think I am bit surprised to see not even a single posting as a reply. Believe it or not its huge problem than you can even imagine.

    03-12 11:48 AM
    I was been a donor in the past. But since then I noticed all this and have written several emails to IV asking them to convert IV access to paid donors only otherwise freeloaders like you are eating my lunch.

    Dude you have only 27 posts

    You have no information listed

    For all the reasons, you could be bull shitter over here,

    before pointing fingers take a look in the mirror.

    This guys a classic

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