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Thursday, June 16, 2011

ansa cervicalis anatomy

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  • Administrator2
    04-20 03:11 PM

    We need 4-5 volunteers to make phone calls to IV members in CA. The purpose of the call is to inform and invite IV members in CA about this event so that we all could be well represented at this event. Please post a message or send a private message if you would like to voluneer for this effort. We will provide you with all the information required to make the phone calls to IV members. This task involves volunteering 30-45 minutes of your time. Please help this cause to help us all.


    wallpaper duct « DOTE Anatomy topics ansa cervicalis anatomy. FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY SEMINARS.

  • vik123
    01-10 12:28 PM
    Some people are already doing our job.

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  • Neurological Anatomy

  • varshadas
    01-30 02:51 PM
    After we come up with the final flyer with images and stuff, we should get it reviewed by IV to make sure that we don't have conflicting statements. We have to get color printouts. We can get them at Kinko's.

    Who is good with PPT? Someone can work on the images? Do we want to use IV's existing images or make some new ones?


    2011 FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY SEMINARS. ansa cervicalis anatomy. Neurological Anatomy
  • Neurological Anatomy

  • grupak
    03-15 06:40 PM
    Dude, No one has been waiting on purpose! Do you even have a clue what was going on in 2002/03/04/05... Even though numbers were current the Labor process used to take 3-4 years! If your labor is not clear then having 485 current is not going to do much... The perm process was started in 2005!Just consider yourself lucky that atleast you have an organization like IV working for you and they was instrumental in gettin atleast EAD for you and your spouse!!

    EB3->EB2 also is contributing to this.

    Irrespective of the details, it should be clear that EB2 and EB3 for a lot of IV members will be backlogged. Wait times for later priority dates >2004 will be long.

    So, the best thing to do is get involved actively in IV action items. Else be prepared to wait and wait and wait.


    ansa cervicalis anatomy. Neurological Anatomy
  • Neurological Anatomy

  • gcma08
    06-14 04:07 PM
    We received our plastic cards today.

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  • Spinal Cord Sectional Anatomy

  • chanduv23
    01-30 09:08 PM
    Benching is a concept where a H1b employee is not productive to the sponsering employer, during this time the employer does not want to pay the employee. This is not permitted because such a concept just does not make sense.

    Generally people find it difficult to find their first work assignment when they do not have US experience and a lot of people have initial bench, which is also not valid, but it is common.

    Nowadays a lot of these body shops also manage to get some product development or outsourced work from clients and when their employees come on bench they are made to work on these internal projects or manage outsourced work and their payroll continues as they do productive work as well as look for future assignments.

    Your case is defferent and you not recieving pay check during summer is not bench.

    Prolonged benching have been taken seriously by USCIS. I am not aware of any cases in detail but people have had issues with spouses not getting h4 etc...

    I have never heard USCIS penalizing unpaid bench. If it a problem and such a common case, why don't we ever hear about penalty against unpaid bench?

    Is it possible to take unpaid leave every year?

    In teaching you have an option of not teaching in summer. This means you do not get 2-3 pay checks; happens every year because most faculty don't teach in summer. Faculty is not even aware that absence of pay checks can be a problem.


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  • Tórax - Cortes Anatómicos

  • forever_waiting
    02-16 04:03 PM
    Completely understand.
    On a related note, as pappu pointed out on another thread, it would be really nice if senior members, in general, who have got GCs in the past years continue to stay involved since their past advocacy experience is greatly valuable. Several such senior members have continued to stay involved but some have taken a back seat after "getting greened". Ideally, it should be the opposite - shouldnt getting a GC inspire us to be further involved in the process and get the issue resolved?

    I see and agree with what you say. I sponsored myself the last 2 times I went for advocacy days but this time the situation is different - I've got my green card already and therefore finding it difficult to justify the expenses to my wife.

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  • Head And Neck Anatomy

  • yabadaba
    02-21 03:46 PM
    pitha...while i bear the frustration of the doors slamming on my face in october 2005 (eb2 was current prior to that) for the sheer fact that i had an incompetent attorney during the initial days when my LC process started.....i would not go far as saying that the porters have "cheated" the system.

    The law via Chintakuntla provided that a person with a bachelors degree and 5 years experience is equal to an advanced degree holder.

    All the porters are doing is following the law. Its frustrating to people like you and me, but its their right. If i was in their position and the law allowed me to take advantage of a provision of this nature, I would gladly take it.


    ansa cervicalis anatomy. 2008 « DOTE Anatomy topics
  • 2008 « DOTE Anatomy topics

  • ajthakur
    07-14 08:08 PM
    The LUD on my 140 is for sunday 7/13/2008. Why would they touch it on a sunday.

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  • Anatomy Block 2 « Diary of a

  • varshadas
    12-14 08:20 PM
    Except for myself and Rajeev, no one joined the conference call tonight. C'mmon guys, we need some action here. We all ought to participate in these calls. Writing emails, coming and posting I am in is not going to help. We have to take actions here. I will set up a conference call on another day next week and please make sure you all attend.



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  • Anatomy Atlases: Atlas of

  • gsc999
    04-23 01:32 PM
    I had the same problem with phone numbers. About 8 numbers turned out to be incorrect. Update your profile, please. And if you do not want to be contacted by phone, please leave the phone # box in the profile blank.

    Ditto, Please update your phone numbers.
    Thanks in advance

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  • Mediastino y tórax

  • gcseeker2002
    03-20 07:56 PM
    How do you know that the labour process has slowed down from Mar 01 2011 ? Any source for this info? Please share.
    Yes I would also like to know where it says that Labor process is stalled from Mar 1st,as it is impacting my current decision.


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  • Esófago : Ilustraciones

  • Hermione
    09-26 11:13 AM
    No problem. I just wanted to encourage everyone with a strong feeling on H1 increase to post on the CNN site.

    I'm sorry if I sounded like a hypocrite. My interpretation was not to participate in FSB debate for PR visas as the debate was concentrated on H1-B visas.

    I support H1-B's and please continue in the debate for H1-B's.

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  • **This picture has a problemÉ

  • prem_goel
    07-12 08:15 PM
    Spillover happens quarterly, but the visas are allocated in the last quarter! This is because the retrogressed countries are allocated their regular quota every quarter and the extra visas must be allocated based on the priority date, irrespective of the country! It would be difficult to allocate in the earlier quarters to achieve this!

    So looking at the demand data used for determining Aug bulletin,


    how far do you think it'll progress next month?


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  • image006.png

  • HV000
    03-19 12:53 PM
    Question on AOS processing based on PD/RD - Currently, EB2 INDIA is Dec 03. Assuming May 08 VB goes to Jan 03 (EB2 INDIA) , will the EB2 INDIA AOS applications with Feb - Dec 03 PDs still get processed??

    Any chance of EB2 India moving forward to April 05 by October 2008??

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  • Anatomy of the Parotid Region

  • perm2gc
    06-11 10:49 AM
    Send the mail ..


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  • LUC sthr middot; Photo of model at

  • gc_chahiye
    12-21 01:04 AM
    Correct me if I am wrong, but you've had unexpired H1B while you were out of work. This is not considered unlawful presence. On top of that, violation of status determination can be done only by the USCIS (IO). If they did not inform you that you violated status, you are good to go.

    correct. out of status != unlawful presence.
    So being out of status for >180 days does not trigger the 3 year ban. Either USCIS must make the determination that you are out of status, or your original period of authorized stay (I-94 date) must expire.
    however being out of status >180 days since your last entry into the US is problematic for your adjustment of status.

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  • Cervicales

  • conundrum
    12-08 04:48 PM
    we will have to ask for more pointed info rather than ask for all the info at once.

    My suggestion is for a few of us to ask USCIS for just EB - 2 India, China and ROW and another for just EB-3 India, China and ROW. Maybe we might get a faster response that way.

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  • In anatomy

  • gimme_GC2006
    03-09 12:25 PM
    and then june....then july....and so on and so forth visa bullietins......:D

    I dont see anything good happening this year..duh :confused::confused:

    11-14 10:31 AM
    Why do u limit urself to just sending letters. Whhy can't you approach Zoe's office, why can't you take the lead?

    Dont take me wrong on this one... but If I am not wrong rajuram wants some one from her dis. to call her. Here is my experience in this week.

    I called Zoe's Office recently but lady over phone told me to call my local lawmaker. She didnot give any detail on HR 5882. She told she is not aware of it right now. I went online to send email but I got this message when I put my zip code.

    'Access to the requested form is denied, the zip code which you entered does not provide access to this form.'

    We need some one from her district to call her office and find out.

    We need support from california members on this one.

    01-18 01:19 PM
    In Singapore, the ministry of manpower (MOM) issues a credit card size Employment Pass (EP) card/Work permit. This card enables every one NOT to carry passport at all times.

    For citizen/permanent residents in Singapore, the government issues pink and blue cards called SING PASS. Which enables them to prove their identity.

    We need some kind of cards in USA too, which show our identity and work status. Why don't we make this part of IV agenda. This would enables us to have some peace of mind.

    We know, we cannot carry passport at all times (work, outing, groceries etc).

    We must do some thing with this too.

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